Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm 3651 days ttc and craving motherhood!!

"I'm 3651 days ttc and craving motherhood!! My name is Candi and I am infertile!! I have PCOS, endometriosis, a tipped uterus, only ovulate with assistance of Femara, have had 6 surgeries, numerous office procedures and have an empty hole in my heart and hands. Forward this to 10 of your friends and see if they find it funny enough to pass along".  Oh wait, it's not funny?!  Well why not??  Maybe if I attached a more publicly known disease to the title I would get it passed around quicker. 

I have received the recent Facebook game at least 4 times.  You know the one that I'm talking about: "I'm (your birth month) weeks and I'm craving (food that matches your birth date)".  And someone somehow actually decided that linking this to Breast Cancer was going to raise awareness.  I bet this someone didn't realize that what they were actually going to do was raise anger in those of us who are infertile. 

Is it not bad enough we are reminded daily that we are motherless or for some of us that we can't give our child we were blessed with a sibling but now we have to receive emails about a game that will help Breast Cancer and trick the readers?  I would like to think that the person that came up with this game had no idea the results they would have by having woman everywhere start faking pregnancy.  I am sure they thought it was funny and they would cause a few tiffs in relationships and that by attaching Breast Cancer to it it would all of a sudden make it spread like wild fire....but I'm sure they didn't realize that in return of all the "humor" they expected to generate they were hurting us with a silent disease.  One that isn't made public by games on social network sites. 

Now don't get me wrong, I have family and friends who are Breast Cancer survivors and some that are fighting today.  Sadly I have also lost family and friends to this disease.  I know this disease needs more awareness brought to it but I know that the ones close to me going through their battle are not finding this current game helpful in raising awareness but rather trivializing their disease as well.  Maybe people should think before they speak/type and realize that while it's your page to do as you please, it's our anger and sadness that lasts well after receiving hurtful messages-intentional or not. Maybe our problem as infertiles is that we should do more to raise awareness for our disease.  Maybe instead of just sitting back and crying or accepting that we were hurt/angry by the game we should join together and raise awareness.  Our disease isn't covered by insurance- to many insurance companies say it isn't medically neccessary for us to become mothers.  Our disease isn't even explained to each one of us.  But our disease is real and our disease is painful.

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