Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2013 Resolutions....

2013 is going to be my year!
I’m going to laugh more and cry less.
Think positive and not negative.
Concentrate on the good and ignore the bad.
Find a reason to smile each day even when it seems impossible.
Look towards the future and what it hold for us instead of dwelling on what we’ve missed out on.
Share more I Love You’s to those that matter and remove those from my life that don’t.
Keep believing in miracles even when it seems there is nothing left to believe in.
Trust my faith, my heart, my hope, my love!
Lose weight even if it is just 1 pound.
Stop stressing over the little things.
Set goals, big and small, and accomplish them.
Be less judgmental and more appreciative.
Stop getting mad or angry when people announce their pregnancies…. (I do not know their trials and should not assume their journey has been less painful or less important than ours).
Celebrate Christmas in my house for the first time in several years.
Yes sir…. 2013 is going to be my year!!